Avalon Research Society
Bringing together an interdisciplinary collective of international scholars who specialize in the study of space, place, and time.

We orient ourselves to practices and social processes which happen in place, “where everyday life is situated” (Merrifield 1993), and time. We work to create “A space for place” (Gieryn 2000) where “it’s time for time” (Charmaz 2012). We foreground the connection between empirical research and concepts and many of our members work with ethnographic or interview methodologies.
As a group, we promote an atmosphere of collegiality and collaboration where junior and senior scholars work together and where the voices of otherwise marginalized scholars can be situated. We accomplish this through our website, which strives to connect people to each other, and to resources around the study of space, place, and time.
Creating community sustains our research worlds (Adler p.c.). We endeavour to create and maintain community by highlighting scholars and their work on our website, by putting together workshops (both online and in-person), and by collecting and listing resources so they are easily accessible. We also support other activities that promote the scholarly study of space, place, and time.